The Course will be held in Langford, BC
Taught by Lisa or Hayley
Class time: 10am to 4pm
1 model is required to arrive at 11:40am
Bourdon Beauty Lift and Lint Products used for this course
Models must have healthy Lashes. Your model must be available to stay until the class ends.
Lash lift enhancement is a treatment used to enhance natural lashes by lifting them up and creating the appearance of thicker, more voluminous lashes. Professional consultation followed by correct application ensure optimal results for each client. The lift & tint is the perfect solution for clients who are looking to achieve longer looking, curled, thicker, darker low maintenance lashes. Lasting up to 8 weeks
Includes Large Bourdon Beauty Lash Lift and Tint Kit, manual and certificate.
50% of your tuition is non refundable.